
Documented TSDL

TSDL comes with built-in documentation utilities. It's 100% optional to document your backend.


input, query and use have a method called doc, it's invoked as such:

    "Fetch potatoes"
  )(() => ["potato"])
  .query(({ ctx }) => ctx),

You can also add a description:

    "Fetch potatoes",
    "Potatoes can be cooked in many different ways"
  )(() => ["potato"])
  .query(({ ctx }) => ctx),

The doc method has 2 overloads

    name: "uuid",
    description: "User ID"
  .query(() => "..."),

Auto docs

TSDL provides a package called @tsdl/tree.

npm i @tsdl/tree

Create tree

import { createTree } from "router";
const tree = createTree(router); // typeof Tree

Tree type:

type Tree = {
  /** the complete path to the leaf */
  path: string[];
  /** child nodes, will be empty if leaf */
  nodes: Tree[];
  /** if true, this is a query (leaf node) */
  leaf: boolean;
  /** documentation of the input */
  inputDoc?: CommonDoc;
  /** documentation of the query */
  queryDoc?: CommonDoc;
  /** documentation of the middlewares in order */
  mwDoc: CommonDoc[];
type CommonDoc = {
  name: string | null;
  description: string | null;

It's up to you what you want to do with your tree. A common use cases is to send it to a front-end for documentation.

Visualize tree

visualized tree in console

There is a built in method for visualizing your back-end in your console.

To do this invoke visualizeTree:

import { createTree, visualizeTree } from "router";