Output (tsdl.output)


Outputs are seldom integral to an app but can be useful in specific situations.

An output is invoked after a query is completed. The output of the query along with the input and context are then passed to the output callback.


fetchFruit: tsdl
  .use(() => "orange")
  .query(() => "apple")
  .output((res) => {
    res.input; // "banana"
    res.ctx; // "orange"
    res.output; // "potato"


type Output = <TCtx, TInput, TOutput, TReturn>(res: {
  ctx: TCtx;
  input: TInput;
  output: TOutput;
} => TReturn);
The return value of the output is ignored

Outputs can throw errors and thereby modify the response. If one output throws, no further outputs will be invoked.


All outputs will need to be resolved before a request is fulfilled, the output callbacks are run invoked parallel.